Cool Ass Pedal--Ring Modulator

Would you like to expand your tonal palette with a really cool effect, hand built in the USA?
This is the Bumble-Puppy Ring Modulator (named after a kids' game) from Smoking Heart Designs. With it you can move away from normal guitar sounds and effects into a more creative and interesting zone. It sounds really great--compared to other ring modulators it has a very warm and round tone. It has frequency, gain, buzz, and bypass controls. The buzz control(since it's named after a bee) makes the effect sound more fuzzy and ratty and it cuts some low end from the signal. The frequency, gain, and bypass controls work like the typical pedal.
- Hand made, hand tested
- Built by a degreed electronic technician
- very nice warm sound
- no need to adjust to remove carrier noise, noise is 99% filtered out
- wet/dry signal ratio is set at perfect ratio at the factory, no need to adjust
- uses the most common 9V DC adapter that is found on nearly all pedalboards(negative center terminal)
- Strong metal chassis with lock washers on jacks and pots
- engineered to have super low noise
- input buffer
The video is a demo of the unit working and gives good additional information:
Just click on this link to see the listing on eBay.
Warranty: Six month free repair of unit if cause of malfunction is not due to user neglect, you ship it back to me and I pay return shipping. Please contact before returning product.
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